Thursday, May 17, 2012

Baxter beagle again!

Baxter was being very photogenic at the Satellite the other day!


Emma is the funniest tiny old lady!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Is it possible that I've never posted a pic of Kali before?  Kali is one of our sweetest daily pups! We started walking her when she was a tiny puppy, and now she's a big girl! We all like to take her to the Satellite Cafe, where she has a blast getting pets, begging for food, and meeting other dogs. Unfortunately she was a little freaked out by a big delivery truck when I was taking these photos the other day. I'll get a better shot of her soon!

Roxie in the park!

Roxie has the honor of being my favorite dog to hang out with in Clark Park this Spring. She happens to be scheduled for an hour visit at prime dogs-in-the-Bowl time. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't really like dogs. But it's a great opportunity for her to get to know some more of them, and hopefully change her mind. Plus every human who meets her falls in love with her, so she gets the kind of attention she likes, as well.

Pretty Mama

On a cold day, Pretty Mama insists we cuddle on her couch.  I don't know if her eyes are itchy here, or she just doesn't want her picture taken.


Black dogs look best in black and white! (I hope you can see this without having to turn up the brightness on your monitor.) Here, Drusilla is pensive. Or sleepy.

Friday, May 4, 2012


I love it so much when dogs' tongues are sticking out and they don't realize it!

Pepper in the Park!

Pepper! With a little bit of Bambi in the background. Sorry this is a little blurry. Pepper doesn't sit still for long!

Dru, Jack, Maxx

Drusilla, Jack Bow-wow, and Maxxie! We had a fun playdate at Jack's house last weekend!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baxter the Beagle!

Baxter the Beagle is quite popular at Chester Ave Dog Park! You can see why: look at that face!

Pretty Mama

This is how Pretty Mama spends her yard time when it's warm and sunny out!

Jarry and Greg

Greg Dean with Jarry. Guess which one had to be held because they were going nuts over a dog?

Judo and Solie!

I think I took this sometime last Fall.

Solie is the little border terrier on the left and Judo is the Scottish terrier on the right. Judo is old and very very slow, unless he can see a treat in your hand! Solie is hilarious and very fun to play fetch with!